
Now what?

Sunday, October 29, 2006

I'm Cold.

I have been trying to figure out where this freaking draft is coming from and I finally realized that it is coming from the attic door. I can't close it properly and there is no one here to help, so I'm stuck being cold upstairs every time the wind blows. It's kinda freaky. Oh well. Don't want to do homework, but almost done with my sweater! Just need to block it which I also don't want to do. Guess I'll do that shower and then work for a bit - it's not like I have that much I'm just not looking forward to doing it. I suppose this makes my life sound so interesting right now, but whatever. I hope you're all having fun in my stead.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Congrats to my Boy!

So Kat went to the national collegiate mountain biking race this weekend in New Mexico. The school wouldn't give him any money, but we managed to get him there anyway and he got THIRD PLACE!! So basically, that would mean that he was third in the country in his category! I'm impressed. So here's a gratuitous pic of him just to show how handsome he is. In real life his helmet is much prettier because I bought him a shiny new one for his birthday this year.

In other news, it was the sheep and wool festival this weekend! Ruth and I went with her boyfriend, Jay, and some of his friends. The girls shopped for yarn and the boys watched the dog competitions. I got this beautiful alpaca worsted weight that goes from gray to light pink. I'm obsessed. And a kit to teach you to spin wool. I'm so excited! It's hard to make myself not play... Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 15, 2006

This Week Should be Over...

...and it's not even Monday yet. My parents visited last weekend, which was awesome. My mom went into cleaning mode and fixed our kitchen, which was nice, but I was trying to get her to stop so we could go relax or do something else, but oh well. Our little girl, Emma, took a liking to my dad which is obvious in this naptime picture:

I think it's just precious. I finally finished my other sleeve, so I am getting super close to finishing my sweater!! Then I can pick up another unfinished project. My new rule is that I will work on one old and one new at a time, so I already have a new one, and when I finish the sweater, I will find another half done something to work on. I think this is a good thing. but the sheep and wool festival is next week, so lots of temptations for new projects... Posted by Picasa