
Now what?

Sunday, April 05, 2009

A Home

We've been trying to play this Albertson's Monopoly game for a little while, the grand prize of which is a house, which would be perfect, albeit almost impossible. I poked around a little online and have found that a few people have found the rare tickets which is discouraging, but I think Kat and I have regrouped and decided to step it up and really be determined about this without breaking the bank. We've been buying lots of pasta, yogurt, and frozen vegetables because they're cheap. Everything else seems to be looking up though, so even if we don't win everything of our wildest dreams, we can take comfort in being able to pay cash for a house when one of us wins our first million dollars, which can happen in one of several different ways. I'm just kidding, this would just be nice because I hate the idea of credit and therefore would probably be grumpy for 20 years sitting on a mortgage.
We went to Boulder's First United Methodist Church today and thought it was very nice and will definitely go there for Easter next week. It was interesting in that they transitioned from Palm Sunday to the Passion by the end of the service explaining that many people don't come to Holy Week services anymore and therefore cannot really see the despair that happens between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. This is very important to get the true Joy of both Palm Sunday and Easter, and also important to find true emotion in the story of Christianity and in faith. It was kind of nice, but I have definitely always enjoyed full Holy Week services.
At least I'm not worrying about the future so much, but I think that worry had displaced impatience, so I'm not sure which is worse. I feel like life is too short as it is and would love to be able to travel, volunteer, donate, learn, and all in all work towards some goal while enjoying it. I don't like sitting around twiddling my thumbs while I wait for an opportunity to present itself, yet I still know that planning is not going to get me anywhere and I will definitely have to try to be more patient and observant for when that door may open.