
Now what?

Saturday, August 02, 2008


We are officially moved into our new house in Longmont, CO. All of the stuff we shipped came two days ago, and nothing is broken, at least so far! Emma is really settling in well and she seems happy with the house. She loves the sunroom and the new comforter on the bed. I am definitely happier here than in New York, maybe because this is an urban environment, but everything feels different in a very good way. So far all the furniture is fitting well and this house is much more suited to Kat and myself.
We only have to unpack clothes and office stuff and that's it. I am very hopeful that the house will be completely organized soon. I also made friends with Billy, the cutest little dog that lives next door to us. I gave him a piece of cheese as a piece offering and he promptly let me scratch him. I really feel bad for him because he stays outside all the time because his "parents" work. Our landlady said that when he was a puppy she used to bring him inside when it was snowing because she felt so sorry for him. Her dog was always very jealous.
In summary, we are very happy with the new house and the area so everything is going well!


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