
Now what?

Monday, April 24, 2006

So Close

I can't get myself to do anything constructive. I did manage to almost finish the nautie from the new issue of knitty, though. Will post pics when I get them. Then again I still have a lot more pics to post as well, so hopefully that will happen in the near future. School sucks, but we've signed the lease on the house and all is looking up, except for the work I can't do.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


So the weekend at home was pretty good. I got to see my Courtney!!! and I also saw my cousin which was awesome. I played with all my animals and got to relax a bit. Now it's back to work and trying to make the house thing work. We're supposed to sign the lease on Thurs., but I just found a potential house-mate tonight, so I want to know for sure whether she's on board or not...hopefully she will say yes and we can finalize this week, but I always have terrible luck and am not anticipating success. I am also very pessimistic.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

This is Sad

So today, my roommate and I managed to sit on the futon for three hours watching part of season 4 of Friends. Not only did we sit there basically not moving for three hours, but in that amount of time we consumed two separate bags of popcorn, mashed potatoes, ice cream and two cans of gross beer. I'm glad that she agrees that it was bad, or I would have just been depressed. So we're just gross...and sad. But in other news, we are very close to being able to secure a place to live next year, the next hurdles are finding/securing housemate(s) and giving a definite yes to a landlord - although right now there are only two that we're in contact with, so that shouldn't be hard. If I can just make it through all my work until the end of the semester, I just might survive. Also, the new issue of Knitty is up: They have the coolest pattern for a stuffed nautilus that I must make now. Other than that my projects are getting almost nowhere. Oh well.

Monday, April 10, 2006

I suck

This is who I want to be with right now:
This is my best friend and I just got to talk to her for a little while which was exciting. We live far away from each other, which is sad because I miss her a lot. I get to see her this weekend! Yay! So that makes me happy, but then I have to go back to school, which needs to be over now. I have too much work and looking for an apartment blows. Now I'm stressed out, don't have enough energy to pick up my knitting needles, and have several large piles in my room. I wish I could think of a word more disgusting than piles to connote the severity of my living situation, but I need sleep. Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 03, 2006

Maybe I Just Need Summer...

Ok, spring break was great, but now I have no motivation to do any work and school is making me cry. But I moderated! So that's a relief. I did manage to start, and work on, a flip top mitten that I'm just kind of making up as I go and it looks decent right now. Montreal was awesome and we had a great time - I'll post pics of that and my knitting asap!