
Now what?

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

New Things to Play With

I got my yarn today! It was very exciting, but now I have to wind it all and that's no fun. I talked to my friend Walker today which was very exciting, since I haven't seen or talked to him for months. His band is called Carousel Shy, just to promote them a little. Their cd is on itunes and walmart's online music store. Now I am furiously counting down the days (and weeks, unfortunately) until spring break! School is majorly stressing me out and I can't wait for the break!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I won a bunch of recycled cashmere - about 2 men's large sweaters - on ebay! That was exciting, it's a silvery-green color with brown flecks. I have decided to design a dress with it, so that should be pretty... I hope it comes out well! I'm sick and I have a lot of work, so that's no fun. Plus I don't get to see my boy very much because he's working a show and it's tech week, so not only is he gone a lot, but I really need to go to bed before he's off work, so I don't really get to eat dinner with him either, boo.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Something to look forward to

Well, we just figured out that we are going to Montreal for Spring Break, so that's really exciting; especially because it's a fairly inexpensive city. One night at the Ritz-Carlton is 150 bucks! Regardless, we're not staying there. It will be a nice break in a new setting, we're going to make it relaxing, and I'm going to get some knitting and reading done! I'm going crazy since I really don't have enough time to sit down and knit as much as I would like, which means I can't really sit down and think or reflect that often, which means that I feel like there are a million things going on at once both in life and in my head. Hopefully that feeling will go away soon, I want to start my sweater.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Being Productive is not my Strong Point

I have a million things that I should/need to do, but I can't manage to do them. At least it's the weekend, on the other hand I feel like we have nothing to do so we end up watching movies and having a glass of wine. Not too shabby, but it gets old after awhile. I wish I could work.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


I finally figured out what I want to put on the back of the hoodie I'm going to knit. Now I can start knitting! Hopefully this can get me into the free patterns net ring. Sometimes it's hard when it feels like no one reads your thoughts. Oh well, studying French before going to bed early... one of these days I'm going to look back at my struggles to learn French and laugh as I make some snide comment in perfect French to my boy.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Je voudrais aller au centre commercial pour acheter une jupe ou des CDs, mais je n'ai pas de dollars. C'est tres triste. J'aime l'argent. Je veux avoir l'argent une jour. J'ai faim, j'ai besoin manger. J'ai un exam demain et j'ai besoin etudier...

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


On Valentine's Day one is not supposed to be sad. Well, this is not exactly a new feeling for me on this day. At least I'm not alone, then I would have no one to take it out on. (Even though that's really mean and I'm sorry that I do that to him as much as I do.)
Tomorrow looks like a day when I will get at least a little me time in, though, so I won't feel so dead and bogged down with life and such. I guess that's good. Is it spring break yet?

Monday, February 13, 2006


It's amazing how things sometimes work out when you think that there is no hope. Boys can be so complicated...hang in there, cousin.

I feel like I'm in middle school

Why do people go crazy in relationships? I just really can't understand why stupid problems have to blow up so much - not to blame this on him, I'm the idiot in this situation. It just seems like I always end up feeling like the bad guy, or like I'm being selfish in the relationship whenever I want something to change. Of course he always says that I'm "just right" or that he wouldn't want me any other way. Makes me feel so much worse! And then the problem feels about a billion times more trivial - we love each other, so this should be something to just step over, but we can't. I know it's not going to end our relationship, I just don't want it to mess it up; or make it more stressful than it needs to be. Anyway, stuff sucks, school's hard, and I don't want to read anymore. Do you ever wish you were illiterate? I haven't gotten any farther on any knitting projects which is a sad state to be in. I also really wish I could find a pattern for something I was really crazy about. Ah, well, C'est la vie.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


I was planning on starting to create a pattern for a vest I thought up yesterday, but I never even managed to find the gauge of the yarn I'm going to use. I did get to work on my scarf some, so it's coming along. I find myself wishing that I didn't have as much work so that I could knit more...I don't know how I'm going to survive this semester. On a happy note, my friend is coming to visit me for a week or so! I'm so excited. I never get to see her anymore, so I bought her a train ticket for her birthday. Well, enough of this gay banter; I must get back to work!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I guess I'm a little slow with getting on the "blogging bandwagon," so to speak, but obviously I made it eventually. I'm a full time college student who loves to knit with a wonderful boyfriend whom I will call my cycling student, or C for short. Right now I have a project I desperately need to finish as well as one that I started for no reason at all that I wish was going faster...

My sweet boy! Dedicated enough to ride in frigid weather...I think he's nuts. Posted by Picasa